Metal Vs Asphalt Roof! Should You Go For A Budget Friendly Option Or One That Lasts For Centuries? Let’s find out

Metal Vs Asphalt Roof! Should You Go For A Budget Friendly Option Or One That Lasts For Centuries?

Are you on the fence about choosing between metal vs asphalt roof for your new home?

A decision that can significantly impact not only the beauty or look of your home but also the functional requirements. Indeed, the choice may seem overwhelming; that’s precisely why this blog is here to unravel the unique features, pros,cons and benefits of these two types of roofs. So you can precisely make the right decision , choosing the right roof for your home and giving it the new look and protection it deserves.

What is a Metal Roof?

What is a Metal Roof?

It’s a premium offering in the roofing sector convened primarily for its high resistance, expansiveness, and sustainability . Snapshot of its popularity and usage Metal roofs have been gaining a foothold as a pleasing yet highly functional alternative to traditional roofing options. Their diverse designs and functionality make them popular among modern homeowners seeking sustainability and improved house appeal.

What are Asphalt Roofs (Shingles)?

Asphalt roofing or shingles can be best described as a type of roofing felt satiated with asphalt and coated with a surface that reflects the sun’s rays, which is usually a bundle of mineral granules. They serve as the go-to choice for roofing for most residential homes and properties across North America because of their ease of installation, cost efficiency, and proven resilience.

Insights into its widespread acceptance and use

Despite a surge in creative architectural innovations, asphalt shingles still remain a staple in a majority of American homes – and for good reason. Kingston, Heinz, and Stark industry survey suggests a whopping 80% of homes leverage asphalt shingles. The enduring acceptance stems from their visual appeal combined with life-span longevity, but also significantly from their adeptness to withstand inclement weather conditions.

Pros & Cons of Metal Roofs

Pros & Cons of Metal Roofs

Pros of Metal Roofs

Metal roofs bring along numerous distinct characteristics, with the most viable ones being:


Metal roofs score over its traditional counterparts in regards to life expectancy, which makes it last up to 40-70 years against the standard 20 years of asphalt shingles.


Engineered to withstand the harshness elements of nature, metal roofs don’t decay unlike their asphalt alternatives. From staunchly resisting gusty winds of up to 140mph, to being effectively resistant to corrosion and cracks, they score way higher on this attribute.


Contrary to common misconceptions, metal roofs deter fire incidents as they are non-combustible. That’s why they are the best option if you prefer more safety for your house.

Cons of Metal Roofs

Cons of Metal Roofs

Initial Cost

While Metal Roofs possess an extensive plethora of advantages from the long-term perspective, the initial costs of service for Metals Roofs far surpasses that of traditional shingle roofing, teetering close to three times the investment.

Noise Factor

Metal roofs, though remarkable for their durability and longevity, can create a considerable amount of noise, especially during heavy rain or hail, something that could be disturbing without suitable insulation.

Pros & Cons of Asphalt Shingles

Pros & Cons of Asphalt Shingles

Pros of Asphalt Shingles


One of the most significant advantages of asphalt shingles is their cost-effectiveness. Far less expensive than their metal counterparts, these shingles are accessible to a larger demographic and easier to install, making them a popular choice among many homeowners.


Asphalt shingles come in a wide range of colors and designs, making it easy to match and complement the look of your house. This presents the opportunity to tweak and customize the aesthetic of your home to your liking.

Easy Installation

As compared to other roofing materials, asphalt shingles are relatively quicker and easier to install. This not only takes away the complexity of installation but also reduces the labor cost significantly.

Cons of Asphalt shingles


While asphalt shingles deliver on the economy and design, where they lack is undoubtedly longevity and durability. In comparison to Metal roofs, they stand a shorter lifespan averaging around 15-20 years due to their susceptive nature degradation over time and inclement weather elements.

Limited Eco-Friendliness

Unfortunately, Asphalt shingles don’t earn extra points when it comes to the green era we live in today. The majority of them end up in landfills at the end of their life, unlike steel roofs which are almost wholly made of recyclable materials.

Comparative Analysis: Metal Vs Asphalt Roof: Which is more beneficial?

Comparative Analysis Metal Vs Asphalt Roof Which is more beneficial

When thrown into the extensive debate of Metal Roofs vs Asphalt shingles, one fact becomes increasingly clear -,the choice depends substantially on the homeowner’s specific needs. The merit of each roofing type leans towards different ends of the spectrum. Go for a metal roof if you aim for a lifetime investment , moderating house temperature, high durability, and fire resistance. Opt for Asphalt Roofing if your inclination is towards lower initial costs, ease of installation, and a considerably decent lifespan. Both boast of notable appeal, but again it is highly subjective to personal preference.

FInal Answer! Which one should you go for: Metal roofs or Asphalt Shingles?

So you are intrigued and can’t wait to decide which roof to go for? Well, weigh on your requirements, what you prioritize more: A cost-effective solution? Durability? Aesthetics? Or perhaps you put a great weight on environmentally friendly solutions? We suggest Metal roof would be an ideal deal if you’re someone with long-term consideration in the home – boasting longevity nearing half of the century, highly durable, impervious to rot and fire. Meanwhile those led by upfront costs, should aim for asphalt shingles , durability complementing pricing variation could strike the perfect spot. However, choosing becomes easier once you are clear about what you want, what your budget type is, and how long term your investment is.


Selecting the right roof indeed forms an integral piece of the puzzle when going ahead for the house of your dreams. This blog has in-depthly unveiled all the benefits and drawbacks of Metal Vs Asphalt Roof, after reading this comprehensive guide, you’re much closer to making a life-time valuable decision concerning whether a metal or an asphalt roof ideally synergizes with your needs.We hope you’re all set for laying foundation stones of coupled knowledge and an optimally executed home protection – your roof!


Most frequent questions and answers

Cost varies significantly based on shapes and sizes available in today’s market, averaging from USD 8800 to $37500. However, this direct impact stems from the wider range enabled – from aluminum, steel, and zinc options to super-premium, all-fetching copper club.

Metal roofs house definitely opts as advantageous, possessing the Class A world’s highest fire rating, indicating they display the best degree of resistance against fire and that the fire won’t spread fast as compared to Asphalt materials.

Asphalt shingle roofs have a life expectancy of around 20-25 years, however, this can vary based on various factors such as the local weather conditions, the maintenance provided, and the quality of the installation.

Absolutely, a metal roof shows noteworthy energy efficiency. They reflect solar radiant heat to prevent heat gain, enhancing the energy efficiency of your home during warmer months. This is in contrast to their asphalt counterparts, which tend to absorb and retain heat. Couple this with some advanced cool-roof paint technology, and the homeowners can significantly cut down on cooling costs.

Not exceptionally. While asphalt shingles ordinarily serve well domestically, their likelihood of undergoing damage under torrid weather escalations or oversight maintenance isn’t akin to a one-time put, take-off case. Prefer professionals managing your roof installation for finding that sweet spot of functionality with security.

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